Fanm Fortes: Les Porteuses d'Éspoir

My name is Paixão Fortes which means Strong Passion in Portuguese. Many years ago when I was in Cape Verde with my cousin, he put this zouk called Fanm Fo on and it was love at first beat! I didn't know what they women were singing but music is the language of the heart and I sang along phonetically as I don't speak or understand French creole. 

Years later thanks to the power of the internet I was able to find the translation for my favorite zouk and it's an inspiring anthem for all the strong women around the world filled with wisdom and lyrical gems. 

La boté sé pa sa ki pli
La beauté se n'est pas le plus
Beauty isn't the most 

Enportan, fanm' fô
Important, femme forte
important thing, strong woman

Sé sa ou ni an tèt ou ka
C'est ce que tu as dans ta tête qui
What you have in your head is

Konté, fanm' fô
Compte, femme forte
what counts, strong woman

Pou fé péyi-tala vansé nou
Pour faire ce pays avancer on
To advance this country

Bizwen fanm', fanm' fô
A besoin des femmes, femme forte
we need women, strong woman

Toujou solid kon tout'
Toujours solide comme toute
Always solid like every

Manman kréole
Les mères créoles
Creole mum

Fanm Fortes is a fashion tribute to all the criolas of the world whether they're from Cabo Verde, Martinique, Réunion, Guyane, Haiti or Guadeloupe. Because even though we might be at the opposite side of the ocean, our music, cultural heritage and art always formed the connective tissue that bond us and make us family.  

We all had female ancestors who were 'porteuses' and who walked a long way to make sure we had a better and bigger start. They didn't just carry water, they carried hope, strength, pride and love and that's something nobody can take away from you because it's the treasure you will always carry in your heART.