25 Scarf Fashion Hacks You Must Try | Africanité, Créolité, Mondialité

capsule wardrobe travel outfits

25 Scarf Fashion Hacks You Have To Try - Africanité, Créolité, Mondialité

25 Stylish Ways To Tie a Scarf

If you're wondering what to add to your capsule wardrobe, this travel scarf is a must. It's light, versatile and in todays video I'll show you 25 easy ways to tie a scarf and rock 25 different looks for the city, beach or day out in nature. 

With these capsule wardrobe fashion hacks I want to show you how you can maximize on style and minimize on weight.              

Africanité, Créolité, Mondialité


"Africain Ne jugez pas, chaque humain est comme il est J'ai les cheveux crépus, j'pourrais pas les gominer Ils nous ont divisés pour mieux nous dominer Ils nous ont séparés de nos frères les Antillais" We are all africans.

During the course of many years of immigration a lot of people travelled to Europe, America and due to the distance with the equator they lost their black gold color. Africa is the mother land and we can't deny our origins nor the bond that unites everybody on this planet. We are all africans but we're just not africans...

25 Scarf Fashion Hacks You Have To Try - Africanité, Créolité, Mondialité

Africanité, Creolité ou mondialité?

25 Scarf Fashion Hacks You Have To Try - Africanité, Créolité, Mondialité


"Le parfum de la liberté
L'enfant au visage métissé
Vous dire à vous d’où je viens.
Qui je suis
Je suis une femme de couleur
J'ai mon île au fond du cœur"

Édouard Glissant was part of the creole literary movement. A lot of creole people only identified with their african identity wheras Mr. Glissant noted that creole people were more than that. They are mixed with white, chinese so the creole identity consists of africa, europe, asia and with this fact he expanded the identity of creole people by making them see that africa will always be part of them but you have many identities and cultures inside of you. You are multidimensional and multicultural 

25 Scarf Fashion Hacks You Have To Try - Africanité, Créolité, Mondialité

25 Scarf Fashion Hacks You Have To Try - Africanité, Créolité, Mondialité

25 Scarf Fashion Hacks You Have To Try - Africanité, Créolité, Mondialité


"Ês tran korenti di pé
Ês torna ponu na kabésa
Ma nós é ka ninguém
Si nu perdi nôs crença"

So the creole identity talks about our cultural and blood heritage. But it doesn't stop there. Édouard Glissant also talks about globality or the cultures who color your identity, life and traditions. This can be influenced by the media. I know that a lot of my creole sisters watch brasilian novelas like me! We grew up with the brazilian culture so it also part of our global identity. Or take football player Griezmann as an example. His cultural heritage is German-Portuguese, born and raised in France and moved to Spain at a young age, living there for many years. He admitted in an interview he feels more spanish than french.

Or take football player Griezmann as an example. His cultural heritage is German-Portuguese, born and raised in France and moved to Spain at a young age, living there for many years. He admitted in an interview he feels more spanish than french.

Borders are nothing but physical illusions because thanks to the internet, the media, music, our friends, travels and so much more, the whole world is at our fingertips and ready to be savored. 

So tell me, which identity do you identify the most with and what cultures influence or have influenced you in the past? Let me know in the comments below 

25 Scarf Fashion Hacks You Have To Try - Africanité, Créolité, Mondialité

Food for Thought

If you enjoyed this 25 scarf fashion hacks video and want to know more about Edouard Glissant and the Africanity, Creolity and Globality concept then read these websites below

Red Table Talk The Racial Divide: Women of Color & White Women

Édouard Glissant : Négritude, Créolité, MondialitéWhen Poetry and Politics Go Hand in Hand 

Antoine Griezmann : « C’est vrai que je me sens plus espagnol que français » 

SHOP Fanm Fortes Scarves

25 Scarf Fashion Hacks You Have To Try - Africanité, Créolité, Mondialité

Rainbow MudCloth Travel Scarf

Perfect to wear at the airport, during a citytrip, a museum or a fun festival. 

Fanm Fortes Travel Scarf

Made from high quality poly voile and poly chiffon, this transparent scarf is extremely light and airy. 

25 Scarf Fashion Hacks You Have To Try - Africanité, Créolité, Mondialité

Joycy Paixão Fortes

Capeverdean ancestral fashion artiste based in Rotterdam

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